
90 seconds on… Top tips for a smoother divorce

Our top tips for reducing the contentiousness and stress of divorce

Grass Blades

1. Talk to each other – This will help to narrow the issues between you. If this is not possible, then limit your contact with your spouse to avoid fuelling the fire further.

2. Don’t involve the children – this is a difficult time and the children do not need any further pressure to ‘take sides’.

3. Try to be calm and polite – if you let your emotions get the better of you then this can cloud your judgment and make the whole process more stressful.

4. Understand your finances and be honest about disclosure – gather together as much information as you can to understand your family finances so that you can give a clear picture to your advisors.

5. Prioritise your needs and wants – do not argue about the little things, look at the bigger picture post divorce – what is it that you actually need moving forward?

6. Be realistic – take advice as to what might be a reasonable settlement of the finances on divorce.

7. Ask for help – don’t be afraid to ask for emotional help and support if you need it. There are various services to help you emotionally come to terms with a divorce, such as personal counselling and other support groups.

8. Choose a solicitor who is a member of Resolution – members seek to assist you in resolving matters in a non-confrontational way. This should limit the stress and ultimately save costs.

Please note the contents contained in this article are for general guidance only and reflection the position at time of posting. Legal advice should be sought before taking action in relation to specific matters.

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