
In Safe Hands

Why it’s important to plan with a Lasting Power of Attorney and not rely on the Court of Protection


Written by Katherine Carroll

90 seconds on… Family Mediation

Family mediation is a confidential form of dispute resolution for separating couples.


Unreasonable? Who? Me? 90 seconds on divorce.

Unreasonable behaviour: the most common ground for divorce in England and Wales where the parties do not want to see out periods of separation.


The lowdown on divorce

Will I have to go to court? What about the financial arrangements? We give you the legal lowdown on divorce.


90 seconds with Amie Younger on… Extending a Flat Lease – The 80 Year Trap

A recent report issued by the HomeOwners Alliance has estimated that 42% of leaseholders do not know the length of time remaining on their lease.


Written by Amie Younger

Have you thought about putting a Power of Attorney in place?

Katherine Carroll gives us reasons why a Power of Attorney is important.


Written by Katherine Carroll

Ten reasons to make or review your will

With summer fast approaching make sure your affairs are in order before you jet off on holiday.


Written by Katherine Carroll

90 seconds on… Mediation, Collaboration, Negotiation or Court?

There are various options when contemplating divorce and a financial settlement.


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