
Vote for our Wimbledon Championships tennis window!

We are delighted to present our first big splash tennis window. Kim Cattrall herself has given us her vote of approval – can you?

Peacock & Co Wimbledon Championships window display of mannequin in red hat and skirt, white top and tennis racquets on a trellis.

We can’t wait to celebrate the return of the AELTC Wimbledon Championships this month, even if we did miss out on tickets to the full-capacity finals.

The return of the fluttering purple and green flags to the village has never been more welcome and it seems that all the participating shops and businesses in the tennis windows competition have upped their game!

Our tennis throwback window pays homage to the 1987 movie Mannequin, which featured Kim Cattrall as a beautiful Egyptian trapped in the body of a 1980s department store mannequin, together with brat pack actor, Andrew McCarthy as an unlikely window-dresser. An eighties classic!

Together with Peacock & Co’s creative friends, who go under the title of Shokella, we hit eBay hard, got handy with a saw and an umpire’s chair and are delighted to present our first big splash tennis window. Even Kim Cattrall herself has given us her vote of approval – can you?

Voting is now open on the Wimbledon Village Events Facebook page. Please cast your vote by liking our picture. And while you’re here, why not try our throwback quiz?

Kim Cattrall twitter post   Kim Cattrall in the movie Mannequin

Window display in the movie Mannequin

Peacock & Co Wimbledon Championships window display of mannequin in red hat and skirt, white top and tennis racquets on a trellis.

Take our quiz!

Find out more about our Wimbledon and Epsom community on our News page.

This article was written by Rebecca Cox

Please note the contents contained in this article are for general guidance only and reflection the position at time of posting. Legal advice should be sought before taking action in relation to specific matters.

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